Bath salts are a perfect addition to any bath. There aren't many bath products that are as versatile as bath salts. Bath salts can be scented to fit the perfect evening, made into virtually any color of the rainbow, and are as large as small rocks, or as fine as table salt. They can even be made to bubble or fizz.
Here are 2 simple recipes that can enhance any bath time.
Scented Salt Scrub
This salt recipe is aimed at someone who prefers showers over baths. A salt scrub is perfect for those who want a quick exfoliating experience without the bath. Plus they are super simple to make. Here's what's needed:
* 1 Tablespoon of cosmetic grade glitter.
* your choice of oil, enough to cover the salt
* your choice of coloring (food or soap colorant)
* 3 cups of salt. Note: A mixture of fine and coarse is best, and should be layered later. So keep them separated.
Step 1 - If you decided to layer to salts, do it now. Place each layer in a decorative jar.
Step 2 - Mix the oil, glitter, and coloring agent in a bowl.
Step 3 - Pour into the salt jar, until the oil reaches the top, or covers the salt completely.
This recipe is perfect for getting rid of dead skin cells. Prior to showering, apply salt using circular movements in your troubled areas. The dead skin cells should wash away with the shower leaving a great smooth feel to the skin.
Christmas Bath Salts
With the holiday’s right around the corner, this recipe makes a wonderful, inexpensive gift for anyone on your gift list.
* 1.5 Cups of Kosher Salt
* 5-6 drops of peppermint Oil
* 3 drops of red and green food coloring
* 3 Cups of Epsom Salts
Find 3 small plastic bags, and pour 1 cup of Epsom salt in each bag. Label each bag by numbers, and add peppermint oil to bags 1 and 2. Add green food coloring to bad 1, and red food coloring to bag 2. Find a decorative jar and add the red salt first, followed by the white bag, then green. This should make a nice color overlay of green, red, and white to your jar, creating a nice holiday look.
These are just 2 examples of great recipes for anyone looking to add a new dimension of relaxation to their bath time. There are limitless recipes, and you can even create your own with your favorite scents and salts. With ingredients costing mere pennies, use your imagination and feel free to go crazy!
Bath salts add a new dimension to a bath. They are easy to make and there is no limit to the combination of salt recipes that can be created. is a website devoted to giving you the very best information regarding luxury and beauty baths. Whether making bath salts is your thing, or you want more information about mud baths, we've got you covered!