Bris Mila, ritual circumcision, is one of the most fundamental precepts of the Jewish religion. It is referred to in the Torah as The Covenant of our forefather Abraham, since he was the first to receive the commandment concerning circumcision from G-d. "And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every male throughout your generations." (Genesis 17:12)
More than any other Jewish ritual, Bris Milah is an expression of Jewish identity. It's fulfillment symbolizes an affirmation of faith in Abraham's ancient and still vibrant covenant with G-d. Through ritual circumcision, parents create with their precious child yet another link in the continuing chain of our people that has proudly survived the challenges to its physical and spiritual existence over thousands of years.
A Joyous Beginning
A Bris Mila performed according to Jewish tradition is a wonderful beginning for a new-born child. It is a memorable experience, replete with significance and meaning for all those involved - the first of many milestones and happy occasions to be joyously celebrated during the child's life, as he grows to be a source of nachas and satisfaction to all those close to him.
Your mohel should be dedicated to making Bris Mila a meaningful experience, and to helping people learn and appreciate what it means to be Jewish. Your whole family is guaranteed to leave the bris with a new and invigorated aproach to Judaism and life itself.
Health studies show conclusively that circumcision reduces the susceptibility to AIDS and the HIV Virus.
Click here for more information about Café Shira A Kosher Restaurant in the Philadelphia suburbsClick Here for Café Shira’s website: A Kosher Restaurant in the Philadelphia suburbs
Click Here for Rabbi Trager’s website: A Philadelphia Rabbi Who Performs Bris Mila