Kids, especially preschoolers, love Finger Jello! They love it even more when they get to help make it. Let your preschoolercut the Jello into shapes with cookie cutters when the Jello isset. Make green and red for Christmas, orange forHalloween. Making finger jello can be a fun family activity!
Finger Jello Recipe #1
3 3-oz. pkg. Jello
4 pkg. Knox unflavored gelatin
4 c. boiling water
Mix all ingredients together until dissolved. Pour into13x9x2-in. baking dish and refrigerate. Cut into squares or usecookie cutters to create shapes.
Finger Jello Recipe #2
3 3-oz. pkg. Jello
1 c. whipping cream
2 1/2 c. boiling water
Mix Jello and boiling water together until dissolved. Addwhipping cream and continue stirring. Pour into 8x8-in. pan andchill well.
Finger Jello Recipe #3
1 c. sweetened condensed milk
1 3-oz. pkg. purple Jello
1 3-oz. pkg. orange Jello
1 3-oz. pkg. yellow Jello
1 3-oz. pkg. green Jello
1 3-oz. pkg. red Jello
7 pkg. Knox unflavored gelatin
To prepare filling, dissolve 2 envelopes of Knox gelatin in 1/2cup cold water. Add 1 cup boiling water to sweetened condensedmilk. Add dissolved gelatin to milk and stir in 1 additional cupof boiling water. Set aside.
To create layers, prepare one box of Jello at a time. Mix 1envelope Knox gelatin with 1/4 cup cold water. Add 1 cup boilingwater and 1 box Jello. Pour Jello into greased 13x9x2-inch bakingpan. Refrigerate 15-20 minutes until set.
Pour 3/4 cup filling over set Jello. Chill 15-20 minutes.Continue layering Jello and filling, ending with Jello on top.Chill each layer 15-20 minutes before adding next layer.
Rachel Paxton is a freelance writer and mom of four. For more inspirational articles and tips for everyday living, visit