Is seems we really are what we eat. U.S. Doctors are now reporting that red meat is associated with an elevated risk for cancers of the esophagus, liver, rectal cancer, pancreatic cancer and lung cancer
The researchers studied 500,000 people aged 50 to 71 who took part in a diet and health study done in conjunction with the AARP, formerly the American Association for Retired Persons. After eight years, 53,396 cases of cancer were diagnosed.
Meats can cause cancer several ways, the researchers noted. "For example, they are both sources of saturated fat and iron, which have independently been associated with carcinogenesis," the researchers wrote.
Meat is also a source of several chemicals known to cause DNA mutations, including N-nitroso compounds (NOCs), heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
The Bible says that, "We are fearfully and wonderfully made." But it also seems that the old computer adage, "Garbage in garbage out is equally true. How can the FDA approve these chemicals to fill our meat with and us to ingest and then not expect our bodies to react?
As always, they are saying that a decrease in the consumption of red and processed meat could reduce the incidence of cancer. Duh.
Personally, I have no problem with eating meat even though I have been exploring other diets including the raw food diet. I feel that God gave us meat to eat as referenced several palaces in the Old Testament of the Bible. What I do have a problem with is all of the antibiotics and chemicals that the FDA has approved to be put into our meat. Then they act shocked when they have to report the negative affects found in their studies.
I say if you want to eat meat, eat it without fear. Just buy organic meat or Kosher meat that hasn't been shot up with all of the chemicals. And drink alkaline ionized water to clear your cells of the old toxins that are currently stored up in you body.
By Nedalee Ruiz
Nedalee is the author of The Desperate Parents Handbook
To find out more about Ionized water, Nedalee recommends
Copyright © 2007 By Nedalee Ruiz
Permission granted to reproduce in entirety including credits and links.