It seemed that they were meant for each other, but now they are looking for a break-up!
The difficulty this particular couple is facing is faced by many of us; in spite all of us at one point of time during the relationship. The Jewish dating community has some aspects that are quite different from other cultures. They are more willing to date some body from their own culture and religion. This is because they feel that the other person will be able to understand them better and their way of living, which is quite different from others.
The matters of heart are the same everywhere, leaving aside the religion, caste and community. But the fact remains that two people from the same culture can exhibit more closeness and understanding than if they are from different backgrounds.
In the Jewish community, dating is a part of pre marriage arrangements. The future couples are made to spend some months to analyze their partners so that they can maintain a better understanding after marriage. Usually, the Jewish Dating period is for three to four months but it may extend longer in some cases. This may happen when they are apprehensive about the state of affairs between them. Many times this is due to the extra pressure that these people are under. For example, they have to focus on marriage when they date and come to a positive conclusion. But this pressure acts in a negative way leading to dissatisfaction among the two.
As an advice to these young couples, I would suggest that you should not set any kind of goals in your dating. Be free, express what you feel about this marriage an d the person in general and try to open him or her out. Be friendly to your partner. Don't think that you have to get attracted to him or her even if you don't like him. You are not bound to make an emotional relationship with him. Try to relax and enjoy the evening. Learn to explore the person and give him/ her a chance to feel at ease.
Our proposal is not a difficult one to follow. It is a simple procedure that many consultants use, and believe me, it does work. It enables a person to be calmer and take things easily. This sets the stage for a steady development for a relationship to grow.
How to find a Jewish mate?
So if you are a Jewish and looking for a partner of the same community and culture then there are lot of resources that can help you meet your perfect mate. There are certain points you need to consider why selecting your perfect mate
· Decide in advance all the points you would like to have in your mate. It would be advisable to sort out all the issues in the initial stages of a relationship so that it does not lead to any problems in the future.
· You can also get involve with your local congregation and get to know interest and likes of member s there.
· You can also signup with a Jewish dating service on the web. This can help you locate many members who are from your local city and area.
So what are you waiting for, let your feelings and relationship grow naturally under the shade of faith and love. Happy Dating!
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