It is a complete misrepresentation and distortion that the Torah prohibits homosexuality with the exception of Jewish males who are absolutely denied that privilege. By better understanding why Jewish males are restricted from this pleasure is to understand the strictures of creation and how the Jewish male is challenged by God not to masturbate or in any way be sexual with another man.
If it were not for Christian dogma which specifically singles out these two proscriptions, masturbation and homosexuality as mortal sins, this separation between Jewish males and their brethren would be more pronounced. Science similarly has blurred the line between Jewish and non-Jewish by deeming circumcision to be the healthy norm among males. Unfortunately, both assumptions are wrong.
The human male produces sperm sporadically induced by pictures which draw the will; from the will it is only a short jump to the essence of life—pleasure; paradoxically, the woman is created from birth with all the 200,000 cells for reproduction over her thirty fecund years from puberty until menopause. The woman’s sexual appetite is driven by various hormones working in cycle whereas the male appetite is driven primarily by the build-up of sperm. The releasing of the sperm is a primal pleasure and though the sperm is the smallest cell in the body, nonetheless, its accumulative effect is devastating to the human psyche—said to drive men crazy. What then does the Jewish man do with his accumulated sperm if he is single and unable to masturbate or have relations with other men? The answer to these questions lie with the commandment given first to Avraham, the first Jewish generation, at the age 99 to perform forever upon Jewish children on the eight day after birth the circumcision.
The foreskin, created by God gives pleasure to the man while having sex; according the Cabala, the more pleasure experienced during sexual intercourse the higher is the soul drawn down into this world. Jewish men are commanded not to partake in complete pleasure as to make will more predominant—to put God’s Will before man’s pleasure; the forbidding of masturbation or having sex with other men is a further reminder of one’s obligation to the Creator.
Sperm is generated by the mind and can be recycled back into the mind bringing greater clarity and energy to the person willing to undergo the rigor of abstention. This is also a very good practice in preparation for one’s virility leading to eventual marriage and children.
Dovid Krafchow lives in Northern California and is the author of Kabbalistic Tarot published by Inner Tradition and a new series of five ebooks called The Dance of the Pig: a cosmology and world history based on the Cabala, available only at Dovid is a Jewish elder and teacher, unafiliated and non-religious. He stridently believes that in the end it is the individual who changes the world.