The elderly must be the first to thank the technological advancements of our time. Technology has seemingly, worked over time to make gadgets that can make life safer and more comfortable especially for the elderly and the working class. If the Personal computer has made the daily office chores more convenient for the executive the processors circuitry has been incorporated into many gadgets of daily use. From talking watches and time pieces to ordinary cutting gadgets that are painted with contrasting colors that make the food being cut stand out and easier to see. Large text magnifiers and text to speech gadgets are becoming more popular with the aged who are fond of reading.
Opening a tight jar can be quire a chore and a strain, it is not always possible to have a burly male around when you need to get that jar opened. The Gripper is a gadget that sits on top of the jar and cuts the cover open without slipping and sliding and no strain at all. The Magic Chef is another helpful gadget for the elderly. This 1.1 cubic foot 1000 watt oven actually verbally counts down while it cooks the food. It also reads out the instructions of operation while you are pressing the controls. Nothing could be easier. Then there are the talking thermometers and measuring cups to make cooking easier. The list of gadgets for the elderly is actually endless.
I think the problem here may be that of lack of awareness of existence of gadgets suitable for the elderly. Most people in the population segment are not very internet friendly and a lot of them are not forthcoming in trying a new device or gadget. I feel some awareness that can perhaps be created by the various agencies involved in the care for the elderly might help.
Anmol Taneja is a Gadget enthusiast, and critique. He has written several articles on various aspects of gadgets and the role they play in our day to day lives. Anmol is involved with several organizations involved in the evaluation and review of gadgets including