The main Passover activity is the seder which takes place on the first two evenings of the holiday (only one if you live in Israel). At the seder a special seder plate is used to display the needed foods. They are all symbols or reminders of the story of the redemption of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. The story is told in the Passover haggada.
The seder meal has some indispensible components. The most visible is the matza, the unleavened bread. It symbolizes slavery but also represents self-control. Self-mastery is what Jews need to become faithful servants of their Creator who saved them from Egypt for just that purpose. Round, square, hand or machine made, matza is kosher as long as it's under kosher supervision.
Wine or grape juice - four cups for each participant - is also needed. Wine and matza are the two items that need the most care to be kosher.
The next item is maror - a bitter herb. Horseradish root is the sinus-clearing champion when it comes to bitterness. You can also use romaine lettuce. The bitter herb is used at two separate points in the seder and reminds the participants of the bitterness of slavery.
Also on the seder plate are a bone with meat on it symbolic of the Passover lamb sacrificed until the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. A hardboiled egg symbolizes the actual destruction of the Temple.
Charoses - a sweet concoction of wine, apples and nuts - is a reminder of the mortar used by the Jewish slaves. You'll need a recipe.
A plain vegetable - like radish or celery are common - and salt water for dipping are also part of the proceedings.
Passover foods for the seder meal must be prepared on a weekday prior to the seder night. We don't prepare on Saturday - it is Shabbos, the Sabbath. Use that day to relax and enjoy your company. Find a favorite haggada - it can reallly be helpful. For that brisket , tzimmes or dessert recipe - well, yes a Passover cookbook. I also recommend that you find a mentor, such as a rabbi and begin planning well in advance. You can do it!
About the Author: Leslie Rosenberg has a long-standing professional involvement in the kosher food industry. He has extensive knowledge of the Jewish dietarylaws and of kosher certification practices.
Visit for expanded information and all the necessary resources to know that you are keeping kosher and observing Passover according to the original Biblical law.