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South Beach Diet Friendly Recipes

Many people think that being on a diet means giving up all of your old favorites. Actually, that is the number one reason that most diets fail. You cannot be expected to give up all of your old favorites, all the time. On the flip side, you can’t indulge in them all of the time and expect to keep the weight off. After all, it wasn’t what you avoided eating that made you gain weight.

This Diet does allow you to incorporate the occasional indulgence. But, what about those recipes or foods that you want to incorporate more than occasionally? The answer is simple – modify. Here are some tips on modifying your old recipes to make them South Beach Diet friendly.

1. What kind of oil? Make sure to substitute mono- and polyunsaturated oils such as olive, peanut or canola oil for any saturated oils, such as butter or margarine, which wreak havoc on your cholesterol.

2. Another kind of sweet – If your recipe calls for sugar or honey, use a sugar substitute instead. An all-natural sweetener or one made from sugar (like Splenda) is best.

3. Make it lean – Take a close look at the cuts of meat or poultry required. Use lean cuts instead of fattier ones. For example, substitute chicken breasts for chicken thighs.

4. Kick up the fiber – For pasta or grain recipes, make sure to use whole-grain or whole-wheat. The fiber will slow down the absorption of starches and sugars into your digestive system.

5. Check the Cheese – You should use low or non-fat dairy products only. Normally, low-fat products are not recommended on the South Beach Diet because the fat is often replaced with sugar. However, non and low-fat dairy products are an exception and should be used whenever possible.

You will be surprised how many recipes will taste little to no different with these simple modifications. Of course, you will come across recipes that simply can’t be or don’t taste the same when modified. Those are the recipes that you are going to have to enjoy occasionally. It is important that you do not deprive yourself completely of these favorites. You’re just going to have to be more aware of when and how much you eat of these favorites. Save them for a special occasion, enjoy them without guilt and get right back to eating well the next day.

As for those that can be modified, make them a staple of your meals and forget you are on a diet!

Reggie Dunn is a long time diet enthusiast and follower of the South Beach Diet.
You can find more information on the South Beach Diet at
