Is tanning in a tanning bed actually less harmful than tanning under the sun? Unfortunately, there is no full answer to this question, yet. Not enough research has been done, as of yet, to confirm any hypothesis about tanning in a tanning bed.
But as more and more information is coming to light about the damaging effects of the sun, it only makes since that similar findings will come out about tanning beds. Of course, there is one possible difference between the sun and a tanning bed that leaves a glimmer of hope for proponents of tanning beds: the difference between UVA rays and UVB rays.
The sun emits both types of rays. Tanning beds – the newest ones, at least – emit far fewer UVB rays than the sun does (proportionally). This is important, because many people say that UVB rays are the more harmful of the two types of radiation. UVB ray wavelengths are short, and they therefore affect the outermost layers of a person’s skin. Burning is often caused by UVB rays. UVA rays are longer and penetrate deeper into the dermal layer of the skin, causing a tan.
Tanning beds can regulate the balance of UVB rays and UVA rays, exposing tanners to far fewer UVB rays than the sun – this is why many say that you are less likely to get burnt in a tanning bed than on the beach.
Of course, a person can still be overexposed to UVA rays, which can lead to long-term skin damage. As with everything in life, UVA rays ought to be taken in moderation. In moderation, UVA rays can even be helpful – without sunlight (or a tanning bed), your body cannot produce its own vitamin D, and vitamin D is important for protecting against certain cancers, diabetes, osteoporosis, and other diseases.
And much of the tanning bed industry will tell you that is not safe to not tan! By this, they mean that if you are rarely exposed to the sun, you have a greater chance of acquiring some forms of cancer. Some have even found that people who do not receive regular sun exposure are more likely than others to develop malignant melanoma (the deadliest form of skin cancer).
So, for a full answer to the question of whether or not tanning beds are better for a person than the sun cannot be answered, today. In fact, we will not be able to answer such a question until we have a fuller understanding of the effects of UVA rays and UVB rays.
Of course, if you want to be fully safe, the best idea is to avoid tanning beds and to wear sunblock when you are out in the sun. In fact, you should almost always cover up or at least wear sunblock when out in the sun (“almost always,” because a few minutes of direct sun exposure every day is good for you).
Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on tanning and health, please visit Commercial Tanning Beds.