The blind need to have a quality life just like the rest of the people out there. They need gadgets for the kitchen, the television and the workplace too. The visually impaired have not been left behind in this age of mobile technology. There is a nifty little gadget that can operate on voice commands, take notes as well as read them out. One such neat gadget is the Bridge. This neat little gizmo scans printed text and translates it into Braille. This useful tool for the visually impaired saves the text for further use as well. The device is small and portable and can be used fairly easily anywhere. The Braille screen can be customized to display the text in any way the operator feel comfortable reading.
There are gadgets like the Tactile Talking Tablet that helps the Blind navigate the cities they plan to visit. Another quaint gadget is the SBC Screen Braille Communicator the visually and hearing impaired can use when they are shopping, order meals in restaurants or communicate with cabin staff at airports and other public places.
Apart from these high-tech gadgets for the visually impaired there are the day-to-day cooking gadgets such as the talking thermometer that can set off an alarm when the temperature of the food is just right or the measuring cups that do the same when the right level has been reached and our visually impaired friends have found companions in the elderly who like to share the gadgets that have been designed especially for themselves.
You name it, there are gadgets from talking watches, clocks, calculators and currency identifiers that the impaired individual can make the most of in this day and age of technological advancements.
Anmol Taneja is a Gadget enthusiast, and crtitique. He has written several articles on various aspects of gadgets and the role they play in our day to day lives. Anmol is involved with several organizations involved in the evaluation and review of gadgets including, and