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Which Tanning Bed Bulbs Are Best?

When it comes to tanning beds, you need to know that one of the most important parts is the tanning bed bulb. This is where all the action takes place, and this is the part which will give you your nice golden brown tan.

So it makes sense for you to learn a little bit about the different kind of tanning bed bulbs, right?

The first thing you need to know is that the conventional tanning beds that most people have produce both UVA and UVB rays. The UVA rays are the rays that cause tanning and aging of the skin. The UVB rays are the ones which cause burning.

Now if your tanning bed combines both the UVA and UVB rays, then to use your bed properly, you need to gradually build a base tan. This will take you around one month. To do this, you need to spend around 20 minutes (but can vary depending on your bed’s exposure rating) around 3 to 5 times a week. Once you’ve done this for a month, you should have built yourself an impressive golden base tan.

But if you have a tanning bed which only produces UVA rays (which is better for your skin) then you won’t have to spend as much time in your tanning bed to get the same results. You can probably get the base tan in just a few weeks, with the same amount of weekly sessions as before.

Once you’ve got your base tan, you will still have to tan occasionally to maintain it. If your tanning bed uses UVA and UVB rays, then you may have to tan as regularly as 2 or 3 times a week. But regular usage can harm your skin over time.

If your tanning bed bulbs simply use UVA rays, then you can maintain your tan with just one session a week in most cases.

So as you can see, buying tanning bed bulbs that use just UVA rays can be much healthier for your skin, and much easier for you to maintain a nice golden tan.

I hope you find this information useful when deciding the kind of tanning bed and tanning bed bulbs are the best choice for you.

Sarah Wright is owner of the Tanning Bed Review Blog, where she likes to discuss every aspect of buying and owning a tanning bed. For more information ontanning bed bulbs be sure to check out her blog right now.
