What is Jewish dating?
We have Jewish people from all over the world, trying to meet each other, and find a partner for life.
A lot of Jewish people came from Europe, and are normally referred as Ashkenazi.
Most of us European Jews and not so spiritual and religious, but we still want to be together among our own people. What does really defines us a s Jews ?( I am, myself being a Russian Jewish female ); do we really follow the life style as it is proclaimed in the Torah; or do we really follow all of the traditions and laws? Do all of us really keep kosher, and celebrate the Sabbath every Friday?
I have to say, that most of young Jewish people really do not “match a typical Jewish profile”; we consider ourselves as “reformed”, and feel that our culture is sort of altered; we are allowed to do certain things, and it is ok by everyone. It is like a title to be Jewish person.
Of course there are a lot of religious people out there, who really have the life style, you and I can’t possibly lead; and those really dwell around their own communities, date and marry within their environment.
However, for the most of us, even though we are looking for Jewish singles, we do not want to be with anyone who is “too” religious, or too conservative; that means we can not do the things we like to do, like drink and party; and have premarital sex…Right?
Most of us Jewish singles, do not even like each other so much; guys think that all Jewish single girls are JAPs (Jewish American Princess); and the girls think the guys are all “mama’s little shane punem”.Right? And, that there is no one out there good enough for him? Sounds familiar? Hah?
Yet, somehow we all want to just date our own people, because it feels some of what safe, and comfortable. Not because you think that Jewish girl or a guy will not hurt you, or betray you, or disappoint you the same way the “others” will do.
It is because we feel like we share our history, and our culture, and we have to be able to get along, understand and love each other, the way nobody can..
Unfortunately, we have to realize the opposite, that our people just as “human” and imperfect as everyone else.
Jewish Dating Service just like every other online dating service, has it’s advantages and disadvantages; in one hand is it great because you feel like everyone is there Jewish and they know exactly how you feel and what you are looking for; and in the other hand you run in to a lot of Jewish singles, who are totally dishonest about themselves, who are just playing around, and not really looking for their match.
I personally found my Mr. Jewish Right online on one of the Online Jewish Dating Sites, four years a go, and now we are married and have three year old child. And we are really (I mean it) very happy! Marriage, of course is not easy, but when you are with the right person, anything is possible, and you can make things happen and be happy!
So, I do owe my destiny to the internet, and online dating…I do believe, that if we, Jewish singles, have our own dating sites, we need to support the idea of making it very special, trusting and meaningful.
Let’s be honest with each other, let’s communicate like adults (not like little kids); let’s not post pictures of someone else on to your profile, let’s not lie about our age, weight and size…. Let’s not forget we are all special and chosen people!
Coming from former Soviet republic, where Jewish religion and culture was suppressed and practically hidden, I find it very refreshing to be able to be open about your culture, to be able to celebrate your traditions, and to identify with your heritage!
Tanya Wiseman
Is a
Jewish Matchmaking Dating Coach for sites like http://www.jaters.com
Source: www.articlesbase.com